Our values and identity
The companies of Heilig Group project themselves as progressive organisations which enhance the values for their customers and Heilig Group employees in selected industries.
We offer solutions that are innovative, efficient and sustainable and guarantee continuity of production processes.
By combining people, knowledge and means in the fields of bulk handling, recycling, services and process technology effective solutions will emerge.
Heilig Group generates a healthy profit and a strong balance sheet and has been active during the whole technological process in their companies throughout Europe and in selected growing markets outside Europe.

– High-capacity systems in transport, transhipment of dry bulk material
– State-of-the-art machines and installations to process material into valuable products
– Effective solutions for transporting, separating, sorting, mixing, drying, heating or recovering material from waste flows
– Reliable and innovative electronical systems for buildings, installations and machinery parks
– Robust machines for processing wood at sawmills
– High-precision industrial mixers with a capacity of up to 75,000 litres
– Sustainable solutions for the efficient use of energy and heat recovery by applying heat exchangers in many industries
– Expertise in creating usable material out of waste flows for a circular economy
– Modern machines and production facilities for the manufacturing of quality products